Poetry to God
Terry Webb   PoetrytoGod.org   

LOS ANGELES – Poet Terry Webb kicks off a new marketing campaign for his collection of devotional poetry, “Poetry to God, Volume 1” is the first in a four-volume set of poetry anthologies, dedicated to God’s unwavering love and support. This first volume serves as a testimony to the redemptive nature of faith.

With over two hundred poems diving into the spiritual journey of Everyman, this collection forms the poet’s impassioned plea for the masses to awaken from the slumber of earthly activities and seek God. He understands, better than most, that no individual is a model of perfection; however, his emphasis with his poetry compilation is on growth and ultimately embracing the love of the Lord into one’s heart. From his darkest days, he discovered the mercy of God and believes that anyone else can too. This conviction is strongly prevalent in each poem he composes. “The Dream” is Webb’s version of the warning signal to man that he is headed down the wrong path.

-The U.S. Review of Books

 You never cry alone, my child,
For when you cry, I do …
Although this life may bring you pain,
My child, just trust in me,
And if you will obey my word,
I’ll give you victory!

Poetry to God: Volume 4: Prison Praise Cry's from Behind the Wall  Poetry to God: Volume 3: Into Thine Hands  Poetry to God: No Fault Found  Poetry To God, Volume 1  


 Let "Poetry to God" move your heart and soul, and draw you closer to the Lord!